Friday, October 29, 2010

Random pictures and stuff : )

Hello all! I am doing good and all is well. I haven't been sleeping super well lately but I am trying to hang in there and take naps during Siesta (for those that don't know, Siesta is a 2-3 hour break after lunch and its MUCH NEEDED!!). I have included pictures of a bunch of different stuff like a Mallorcan market, the beach that Katie, her mom Kathy and I went to which was SO beautiful, the Scythe that we use to chop alfalfa for lunch, my view from my apartment where Woodfoot hangs out (that's the one-legged chicken that I am in love with), Siete the cat that sleeps with me every night, and last but certainly not least, Tiffy and Sampson the donks' that are so cute. I rode Abraxious for 10 minutes but chickened out because he is SOOOO much horse! He is the sweetest horse here though (other than my favorite girl, Bird- I will include pictures of her soon), and he has such a desire to be around people. I rode a horse today named Chique who is a very rude, intense horse but according to the trainer here, I am the only one who Chique seems to like... I don't know though, she is definitely different. Anyway, I hope all of you are great!! I miss home a lot but am appreciating every day that I am able to be here in Spain. If anyone wants to email me rather than leave comments or anything, it is Talk to you all soon!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lots of new stuff!

Abraxious the great!
Outdoor riding arena
Mallorcan sunset

'Foals' under 3 years old, Besado on right
Hi all!! I am having a great time here in Mallorca. It has been such a learning experience for me to ride SO differently than I am used to; the Spanish horses test you and you have to prove that you are capable of handling them or else they will totally take advantage of you! Everything is based around Dressage which I have never done any type of english riding so this is great experience! I had a horse lesson yesterday with a German instructor, Steffy, who is WONDERFUL. She is impressed with how I ride and handle Besado (pictured with the foals), so my next lesson is on Monday with Abraxious, who is a huge Andalusian gelding with LOTS of energy and apparently the toughest to ride. He will be my project for the next few months and it will definitely be interesting : ) The flies here are HORRIBLE so that takes a lot of patience and not losing your mind from the amount of them but overall, it is amazing here. The weather has been perfect, about 75 every day with gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. The food is GREAT and haven't disliked anything yet... Here are some pictures of the place and the horses!!! The water fountain is beautiful and those are the stalls in the back. There is also a picture with the apartments they rent out and I will add the one that I am staying in as soon as it becomes my permanent place. I don't have great internet or lots of free time so I will try to blog and email people as I can! Much love to everyone!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I am here in Mallorca!!!!!

So, I arrived on Monday at 1 pm, and here in Mallorca it's 7 hours ahead of WA so that has been quite an adjustment!!!! It is beautiful here, and such a change!! The way they do everything here is so different from home, especially regarding horse care. All I can say is that our horses in the states are SOOOO spoiled, as well as the people!!! We cut our own alfalfa here out in the field with a scythe, like what they use in murder-type movies or something, you should look it up... It is great here though, and there is a sweet girl named Katie from North Carolina here helping me get used to all the chores and such, so that has been a massive help. The pictures are of the place we are staying. Generally, we would stay at an apartment on the property where I am working, but they all got rented out, so Katie and I are staying at a gorgeous bed and breakfast down the road. Its amazing as you can tell from the pictures! We will be there till Friday and then come back to the finca (dont super know what that means yet, I think a farm type place that is rural) and I will post pictures then! I miss everyone but think this will be an awesome experience as well as work-outs!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

OH MAN!! Leaving today!!

I am leaving in 3 hours to my host family in Palma de Mallorca, Spain! I am so excited, although I really believe it will not hit me until I get there. I will post pictures ASAP! Here are a couple pictures from our last outing at Cowboys Dancehall. I rode the mechanical bull!! I am still sore. That is quite a workout! Okay everyone, wish me happy safe travels on the huge airplane I will be on!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I cannot believe I am heading to Spain in 5 DAYS!!!!

It is basically blowing my mind that I am heading to Spain in just under a week!!! I just thought I would add a couple pictures of last weekends adventures! My friend and I went out to Cowboys Dancehall (it was awesome!), they have actual live bull-riding right next to the huge dancehall!!!!  We ALSO went to a ranch and herded cattle and went on a trail ride! It has been Tricia's dream to herd cattle, so I surprised her with a trip to a ranch about an hour and a half away. We both had a blast, and the cowboy offered me a job as a wrangler!!! Sadly, I refused but told him if I ended up in Texas at some point in the future I would possibly take him up on the offer : )  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

In Austin, Texas!

So, I am visiting my good friend for two weeks before heading to Mallorca, Spain on October 17th. I am a little nervous due to the recent travel warnings about terrorism, but I have read into it pretty extensively and it seems that using common sense around densely populated areas and popular towns is what will keep me safe. Pretty crazy timing though!! I will write when I get to SPAIN!!!!!!